Empowering young people aged 14-24 to take transformative steps towards personal growth and positively contribute to building a more cohesive & peaceful society.
Empower 2 Transform
Empower 2 Transform is an exciting new Good Relations programme delivered across Northern Ireland and the border counties, by some of our region’s leading Youth providers including YMCA Ireland, Youth Link NI, Youth Initiatives and Mencap NI.
Funded by PEACEPLUS through the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), we endeavour to Empower young people to take transformative steps in developing their confidence, skills and potential, form positive relationships with others of different backgrounds, and positively contribute to building a cohesive society.
The project aims to empower young people aged 14-24 to take transformative steps through personal growth…
– Developing their confidence,
– Building skills and potential,
– Forming positive relationships with others of different backgrounds.
And positively contributing to building a more cohesive & peaceful society.
The project will be partnering with organisations, routed in local communities right across Northern Ireland and the Border Counties all of whom have an extensive and rich history in the delivery of programmes which make a positive difference in the lives of young people, their families and their communities.
Along with our regional partners, we are partnering locally with YMCAs across Northern Ireland to make a positive difference in the lives of young people, their families and their communities.
Visit the E2T website here
For more information from our Belfast YMCA E2T Project Workers, please contact:
Amy Tom McClenaghan - amytom@belfast-ymca.org
Shane Robinson - shane@belfast-ymca.org
For general enquiries regarding the E2T Project, please email:
Andrew McCreery
E2T Project Coordinator