The impact of Ubuntu

Hi, I’m Nyncke Kuperus and I am a student in Global Project and Change Management at Windesheim University in the Netherlands. Over the past few months I have been investigating the impact of Belfast YMCA’s Ubuntu project in schools across Belfast. Last year Belfast YMCA worked with 840 young people across 6 post primary schools on this Good Relations project. Young people spend ten weeks with the YMCA discussing their identity, stereotyping, the context to the conflict here, the use of flags and emblems, sectarianism and racism as well as a number of other issues.

What I found is that the project works. Participants emerge from it feeling more informed about their identity and their community. The attitudes of the young people towards those from other ethnicities and community backgrounds became more positive and they are more likely to want to participate in activities in other areas with different people after taking part in this project. In my view, the Zulu philosophy of Ubuntu “I am because we are” is an effective international lens to view the conflict and fragile peace in Northern Ireland through.

Please click the link below to read my in-depth report!




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